Friday, August 10, 2012

Visualize this

Imagine with me for just one minute, just to appease my romantic edge.  This imagery spurred from my last post.

The bride's walking down the aisle.. tears streaming down her face.  She's about to reach the front when she hesitates, takes a smaller step, looks at her proud father, then turns back to the crowd.  A small murmur begins in the crowd.  "She's done this before," you hear someone say.  "Not again," another calls out, louder this time.  The bride's tears continue and the weak smile on her face disappears when she hears the crowd.  She releases her hand from her father's and begins to turn to walk back down the aisle and out of the church.

Just then, something calls her attention back to the front of the beautifully decorated sanctuary and she notices her fiance once again.  He's beckoning for her to come forward.  His eyes are lovingly patient with her hesitation, but His hands are extended towards her tenderly, and the corners of His lips are turned up in a radiant smile as He gently and calmly whispers, "Come away with me, my beloved. I will love you always. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I am yours and you are mine. Abide in me, and I in you. Forever and ever, Amen."

Pretty beautiful, huh? Now although this would definitely bring tears to my eyes if I saw it at a wedding, the visual was intended as a symbol of the relationship between Christ (the groom) and His bride (the church).  That means we, as His body and church, are the bride.  As we turn away, become distracted, and hesitate and fail time and again to fully love God, He remains firm, standing there, in all of his splendor and glory.  He stands there, in front of a mocking crowd full of hate, deceit, and idols, and simply beckons us come and follow Him.

How freaking sweet is that?!

With more love than our new groom or bride will ever shower upon us, He reaches His arms out to us, greets us with a warmer smile, and asks us to abide in Him and let Him abide in us (Jn. 15). I'm so pumped for Heaven.  I want that to be what brings chills to my arms and tears to my eyes--not some earthly love that will fail me and will let me down--but that beautiful, Heavenly love found only at the throne of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What a great God we serve!

1 comment:

  1. To echo your words... pretty "freaking sweet!" I love that Phil Wickham song and a line from it has been in my e-mail signature for a couple months now. HE really is love itself.

    Thank you for the beautiful and powerful thoughts.
    <3 Alex
