Friday, January 27, 2012


I figured it out..

4. (this one's the right reason) ... Pinterest steals all of my blogging time, and my thoughts are definitely sorted into categories easily on that site.

Nothing new under the sun...

Is it strange that I have nothing to blog about? I mean, sure, maybe if I'd try really hard and not be exhausted and sitting in bed on a Friday night at 11 PM, then maybe, just maybe I'd begin blogging again. I have a couple possible explanations for this.

1. I think I've just begun talking about everything I want to blog about.
2. For awhile, I think I thought in blogs. You know how sometimes people think in facebook statuses or immediately want to tweet when something ironic or hilariously awful or ridiculous or strange happens? Well, I went through the facebook thinking phase of that. Then I went through the blogging phase. Now I think I'm growing out of the twitter phase of that type of thinking. And now, I guess I just think thoughts and keep them in my head. Who knows...
3. Maybe I just don't think anymore.

I love blogging, I do. Plus, as an English major, it's always good to keep writing. We'll see what happens.