But the story doesn't stop there. Once in Uganda, she started a child sponsorship program, Amazima Ministries, and adopted her first girl at age 18. Yep, she's now a single mom of 14 at 20-years-old. She feeds them, bathes them, clothes them, protects them, and loves them all. Her entire life is now in Uganda.

Katie's story is such an inspiration. I was discussing my interest in her life last night and was asked why I was so inspired by her. Sure, she left her life behind to dedicate herself to complete service to the Lord. However, I've never felt called to live by myself in Uganda with 14 children. In fact, I'm not even sure I completely agree with her decision to be a single mother to all the girls because I believe a father is an absolute necessity (if at all possible) for all families. As I've delved deeper into her blog, I realize where the true inspiration comes from.
Katie's story is attractive to me because I have a strong interest in missions, would love to adopt someday, and am a sap for such selflessness. However, I've realized that the underlying reason that I'm so inspired by Katie is because of the truth, honesty, and faith she writes with in her blog. I am an English major after all, so her writing is something I automatically analyze anyways. Katie Davis is a radical. She is completely consumed with a passion and fire for the Lord that is both inspirational and contagious. She makes me want to further explore God's calling in my life and discover just how radically I can live for Him. She makes me want to spend time serving in Africa and blogging about it daily. She makes me dream in excitement about being a mother some day. She convicts me again and again with her deep faith and trust. Katie's life has been filled with pain and setbacks, yet she recognizes that there is a greater purpose to everything that happens.
With that said, I challenge you. Check out her blog and be inspired. Praise and thank God for such a beautiful, young sister in Christ. Pray for Katie and her 14 daughters. Pray for Amazima ministries. Finally, consider your own life. Do you choose comfort or the cross? Is your life glamorous or are you truly "counting the cost?" If it's glamorous and comfortable, do something uncomfortable and truly bear the cross of Christ. Mark 8:34...Luke 9:23...Matthew 10:38...and the list goes on. It's biblical, so do it!